
Nine Awesome Mindfulness Videos on YouTube – Melli O’Brien

Check out these wonderful gems! These short mindfulness videos are some of my favourites. Enjoy! and please also share your favourites with us in the comments section below.

1. Andy Puddicombe’s awesome TED talk (10 minutes)

When is the last time you did absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes? No texting, talking or even thinking? Mindfulness expert Any Puddicombe describes the transformative power of doing just that: refreshing your mind for 10 minutes a day, simply by being mindful and experiencing the present moment. Oh, and he juggles tomatoes while he talks!

2. Jon Kabat-Zinn defines ‘what is mindfulness’ (5 minutes)

In this short video, Jon Kabat-Zinn answers the question “What is mindfulness?” and discusses the hard work and rewards of  practicing mindfulness.

3. There’s never nothing going on (1 min 35 secs)

This is a short clip of the movie ‘The Way of the Peaceful Warrior’ that packs a potent message. If we’d only open our eyes, we would realize there is never nothing going on. Each moment is precious when we’re fully awake to it. To watch it on YouTube Click Here.

4. Ellen Langer: The dangers of mindlessness and the power of mindfulness (22 minutes)

Ellen Langer is an artist, Harvard psychology professor and author who is often referred to as the ‘mother of mindfulness.’ In this clip she illustrates the true cost of living on autopilot and the power of mindful living. She’s a funny and entertaining speaker. Definitely worth a watch!

5. Eckhart Tolle on ‘The Essence of Meditation” (8 minutes)

Eckhart has a talent for distilling what meditation really is all about. After you watch this clip you’ll have more clarity about meditation and how it can be a way of life.

6. The history of  MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) (10 minutes)

A wonderful 10-minute clip from the DVD released by the ‘center for mindfulness’ which provides an overview of the science behind mindfulness and the history of MBSR program (which is a wonderful mindfulness course that I highly recommend).

7. Alan Watts on ‘the art of  meditation’ (2 mins 20 secs)

I love Alan Watts. In this short clip he talks about the art of meditation and why it is important to practice it, especially in the todays hyper-connected fast paced world.

8. My video ‘what is mindfulness and what does it mean to you?’ (5 minutes)

When I went looking for an inspiring YouTube clip on mindfulness last year, I couldn’t find one that captured the magic of mindfulness so I created one myself. Let me know what you think!

9. The samurai and the fly (3mins)

This beautiful animation teaches a beautiful lesson about mindfulness and particularly the concept of non-resistance (acceptance) of what is. It’s one of my all time favourites!

Do you have a favourite mindfulness video to share with us all? If so, paste it in the comments section below!

Love Melli

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