Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is well-known as ADHD is a neurological condition that correlates with consistency in one’s pattern of inattention or hyperactivity that disrupt suffers’ daily functioning Essay Example

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is well-known as ADHD is a neurological condition that correlates with consistency in one’s pattern of inattention or hyperactivity that disrupt suffers’ daily functioning. Symptoms of ADHD in children might differ from those in adults. There are three types of ADHD which are inattentive ADHD, hyperactive ADHD and impulsive ADHD.

People with inattentive ADHD usually fail to pay attention to details or are prone in making careless mistakes . They also has difficulty on paying attention in tasks, are forgetful in daily activities and easily distracted by extraneous stimuli. Symptoms for hyperactive ADHD are fidgeting, runs about in situations in which it is inappropriate, a feeling of restlessness, difficulty in engaging with leisure activities silently and excessive talking. The symptoms shown for impulsive ADHD is quite different which are difficulties in awaiting turn and tendencies to interrupt on others.

One of the causes of ADHD is the genes inherited from family because parents with ADHD have higher chance in bearing a child that also suffers from ADHD. Brain structure and function might also be one of the main contributor to this disorder as certain areas of the brain might be smaller for people with ADHD whereas the other areas seem to appear bigger. Imbalance of neurotransmitter can also cause chemical imbalance that leads to this illness. A person who were born prematurely, with an epilepsy, with a low birth weight and also have brain damage due to accident or injuries is also at high risk of developing ADHD.

In treating ADHD, a children of 6 years old and below can go through behaviour therapy meanwhile older sufferers can opt to both behaviour therapy and also taking medication. Different type of medication whether stimulant or non-stimulant drugs can be prescribed depending on a person’s specific symptoms. Stimulant drugs are the most commonly prescribed medication for ADHD and some of the example are Adderall, Ritalin, Focalin and Metadate. Non stimulant drugs are sometimes used together with stimulant drugs or as an alternative to stimulants. Non stimulants have fewer side effects but Strattera, a non stimulant might causes one to develop suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants such as Wellbutrin and Tofranil can be prescribed for ADHD. Therapies such as psychotherapy, behaviour therapy and social skills training can help sufferers to cope with their symptoms and help them manage their relationships with families and peers.

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