The Evolution of Technology Essay

Technology has made society radically different. The burdensome daily chores of everyday life were too time-consuming before the invention of technology. Technologies play an essential role in human life and offer immense opportunities. Modern technology has made it easier to access education, medicine and industry as well as transportation. Our lives have been made easier by the efficiency and convenience of technology.

Technology can bring about fundamental structural changes that can lead to significant productivity improvements. Technology is used to support teaching and learning. It infuses classrooms and hands-held devices with digital learning tools, such as computers, which expands course offerings and experiences. It also builds 21st-century skills, motivates students, and accelerates learning. Technology in education is a controversial topic. Everybody has their opinions on modernizing education and creating technology institutes. But they soon realized the importance technology had in education.

Technology has made education more accessible and has transformed the way we think about it. Teachers and students both have benefited from the use of educational technology. Teachers have been able to incorporate technology into their classrooms, and students are more interested in technology. Technology in education has opened up new avenues for collaboration between students and teachers.

Here are some reasons why modern technology is important in education. Technology can improve learning. Teachers can access a wide range of online tools that enable them to share more knowledge and skills than ever before. Both students and teachers can access a wide range of credible, resourceful websites on the Internet. The Internet offers a wide range of knowledge that doesn’t limit students’ ability to accept one opinion.

Second, even young students can learn how to use computers to gain basic job skills such as typing and basic research to graphic design and HTML code. These skills can help students find better jobs, which is crucial for those areas that have been affected by natural disasters and will need to continue receiving aid in the future. The technology allows students to develop research skills early in their lives. Students have immediate access to a wealth of information that can be used to help them learn at a faster rate than ever before.

Third, computer skills enable a child to learn new ways to think using both their creative and rational thinking processes. Children of all ages can learn math, science, art and other subjects in engaging and fun ways. More variation in how and why people learn is due to the design of the instruction than the technology used. Educational researchers and educators should encourage students to learn how to use technology to enhance learning.

Technology is a constant part of our daily lives. Each of us are so dependent on technology, that we can’t live without it. Technology plays a major role in many aspects of our lives. It solves most of Mankind’s problems. Technology has evolved over the centuries. Technology should be easy to use, in whatever form that it takes. It is always directed towards ease in living. Newton’s third law, however, states that every action has an opposite reaction. Technology can be very beneficial, but it can also have negative consequences. It is all about discipline. If technology is used more effectively and efficiently, it will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences.

Different scholars may have different opinions on the development of technology. The authors share their opinions on the technology development based on specific grounds. They have different perspectives on the technology evolution. Their work is also connected by a common goal in solving problems and the existence of technology. The theories that explain the development of technology are based on human interference and specific needs. Gerhard Lenski uses information technology to improve society’s survival. He argues that societies with more information will be more able to adapt and evolve, and therefore more likely to succeed. Leslie White, on the other hand, uses his ideas of technology evolution, ideology and sociology to create the element of cultural evolution. Alvin Toffler uses the theory of technology evolution to examine the economy and society at distinct levels, known as the “Waves”. This essay provides a unique comparison between the three evolutionary theories, Gerhard Lenski and Alvin Toffler.

Gerhard Lenski sees technology as an integral part of the evolution in sociology and cultural society. Lenski emphasized information when he was examining the technology of a particular community. Technology is a method of using resources within a culture or society to maximize original materials and satisfy human desires (Calhoun 2004). He directs the link between information and technology, and technology to societal survival. Lenski (2015) states that the ability of a community to change, evolve and survive is directly related to the amount of knowledge and information available. Information is therefore an essential component of technological development. In his ecological-evolutionary theory, Lenski treats technology as necessary. Lenski uses technology differences to distinguish societies. He suggested that technology and societal genetics could be compared to give the society new capabilities to do and work in a way it couldn’t in the past (Boyd Richerson & Shenrich, 2013). According to his theory, societies which failed to survive are not less than those that survived. They were less technologically advanced. Lenski claims that the technology level of societies relative to their communities has played a key role in the survival of societies.

Leslie White views technology as a cultural component, along with philosophy and sociology. This constant evolution results in cultural evolution. Technology can include both mechanical, chemical and physical components. It also includes the ways that humans use these skills. Technology is an attempt to solve problems and improve survival, according to Leslie (Lowie 1946). This effort involves acquiring enough energy to divert it for human use. A society that has more power and uses it more efficiently is more successful than other societies. He also argues that there is a lot of cultural change and an increase in the energy used per year. This indicates that power is being converted more efficiently (Boyd Richerson & Henrich 2013, 2013). Technology is a result of human efforts to find viable solutions to improve survival. White can’t guarantee that technology will solve all human problems, but his hypothesis considers the technological aspect to be the most important factor in society’s advancement.

Alvin Toffler, Toffler refers to the fact that revolutions in society and economy took place in distinct stages which he calls “waves”. In his hypothesis, he analyzes the economic and social changes at three distinct levels. (Haller 2011, 2011). He claims that humanity has passed through or been through the first two stages (waves), and is now entering the third stage, which is known as the knowledge phase. Haller (2011) claims that the journey from the first wave to the third was difficult and long, with profound changes at all levels as well as in the mind. Third stage evolution will also be intense and will allow for a new perspective society. The natural and mental changes in the brain have triggered the current transformation of culture and economy (Zakaria and Alyati 2012). Toffler asserts that Mankind will have the ability to control technology and determine the direction of progress if it is possible for expertise to subjugate the social and economic levels. Every kind of society can emerge in different ways, as well as the collisions of civilizations.

Technology is the key factor in evolutionary theories that contributes to society’s evolution. Each scholar and author uses their own hypothesis to explain how technology is triggering evolution in culture, ideology, sociology, and society. Each theory outlines the human struggle to survive and compete in a society that is reliant on technology and information. Humans are driven to find better ways to survive and to participate in technological development to discover better ways to do what was impossible before. Each case would be different. More information would lead to change, evolution, or solutions to the most pressing problems facing humanity. Society with more information and ideologies can improve their technology and live better. Understanding the impact of technological evolution on society’s nature has been triggered in part by the need for community to continue to meet its growing needs. Information and technology are generally able to solve problems that face humanity in all three dimensions. Technology advances lead to society survival and help solve more problems. Information is crucial as it determines how well beings can adapt to the technological advances.


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